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Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine
From: Maxability A11Y
Date: Oct 26, 2017 11:30PM
- Next message: David Farough: "Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine"
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- Next message in Thread: David Farough: "Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine"
- Previous message in Thread: Sarah Jevnikar: "Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine"
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Hi Sarah,
I just ran a page having page language set to Fr and the title of the link
is spoken in English as you said. If I change my NVDA language to French
the title too is read in French.
Steps you might know to change the language in NVDA but for my satisfaction
they are
Nvda key + n opens the NVDA settings.
Go to Preferences > Voice settings > Language and change to French.
Hoping that the French website readers set their screen reader preferred
language to French this may work.
This is a great observation, thanks for bringing that up.
On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 2:49 AM, Sarah Jevnikar < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Thanks David and JP,
> The sound schemes is a good idea, but I'm not sure it's fair to expect
> everyone who wants to use this site to have made those changes.
> I tried adding the language attribute (below), which didn't work, but I'm
> not sure what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's in the wrong place?
> <a lang="fr-fr" title="Aller Ă la page 2" href="http://google.ca/">2</a>
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Sarah
- Next message: David Farough: "Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine"
- Previous message: Sarah Jevnikar: "Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine"
- Next message in Thread: David Farough: "Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine"
- Previous message in Thread: Sarah Jevnikar: "Re: Title Attribute speaking Right Language in Wrong accent, but the rest of the page is fine"
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