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Accessible Document Design in Word (Windows) Online Course
From: Karlen Communications
Date: Nov 30, 2017 6:47AM
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: "Re: Mouse-only interactive line chart + same data in table format = sufficient?" - Next message in Thread: Scott Brackett: "Re: Accessible Document Design in Word (Windows) Online Course"
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Hi Everyone:
I've created an online course that is self paced and is based on the book I
published this year: "Styles in Word: A Primer for Accessible Document
Design." Participants get a copy of the book when they take the online
course. The online course supports the book with videos demonstrating the
techniques. I tried to provide the same information you'd get in a one day
workshop, but because it is an online course, I've been able to add more
If you need to or want to create more accessible Word documents, this course
will be of interest to you.
For more information or to register, visit
Please share this information.
Cheers, Karen
- Next message: Corrine Schoeb: "Canvas based signature block"
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: "Re: Mouse-only interactive line chart + same data in table format = sufficient?" - Next message in Thread: Scott Brackett: "Re: Accessible Document Design in Word (Windows) Online Course"
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