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Re: Link vs Button for "Cancel"


From: JP Jamous
Date: Jan 9, 2018 7:35AM


I sure agree with you guys. Stick to proper HTML semantic. Unfortunately, that's not the facts of the real world.

I preach in all of my training classes and workshops to stick to proper HTML semantic. Yet, the resistance with the addition to presenting A11Y as a positive component of the SDLC force us to bend the rules.

High jacking a link is definitely not a proper HTML semantic, but HTML was all built wrong from the beginning. I am talking back into the 90's. That's why I love coding with strict languages like C++, C#.NET, VB.NET and SQL. One tiny mistake and that compiler gets ticked off and comes back at the developer with an angry face. I wish there is such a thing for HTML besides the W3C validator.

I think of those native coding languages as professional boxing, whereas HTML is street fighting. Use whatever means to win even if they are against the rules. *Smiles*