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RE: using table headers as form labels
From: sean keegan
Date: Oct 10, 2003 11:49AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Tim Harshbarger: "RE: using table headers as form labels"
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We have run into this as well (and I have to agree with Tim that there
is no good solution).
We have suggested to our web developers at colleges to use the title tag
in order to provide access even though it does not strictly follow the
Section 508 requirements for a form. The only other method that web
developers were comfortable with was to redesign the form if they had to
use the label tag.
I have not done testing with HPR, but JAWS 4.x and WE 4.211 both work
with this title tag feature. The critical part is to make sure the
information in the title="" tag communicates the correct row and column
field information.
Take care,
Sean Keegan
Web Accessibility Instructor
High Tech Center Training Unit of the
California Community Colleges
Cupertino, CA
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- Previous message in Thread: Tim Harshbarger: "RE: using table headers as form labels"
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