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RE: adobe 6.0 accessibility
From: Zwack, Melanie
Date: Oct 10, 2003 11:55AM
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Yes, I agree with what you are saying:
For Quark and Word Perfect, I use the make accessible plug-in (or Add Tags
to Document in Acrobat 6.0 Professional) as you say. Quark I don't always
have consistent results though, but for some reason with WordPerfect, the
couple of documents I've tried have worked very nicely (that's just my
experience though).
Also, I've had good experience with the several PowerPoint 2000 documents
that I've tried to convert. They converted nicely. If I recall correctly,
these were converted right in PowerPoint2000 and worked with the PDFMaker
option and worked very nicely.
I would really love to hear how you are adding tags manually. For some
reason, I've had a lot of problems with adding tags manually. I would
appreciate your help with this, if you could let me know how you do this.
Thank you for your input --
- Next message: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: adobe 6.0 accessibility"
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