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Re: How do you assess your 3rd party vendors ?


From: Bourne, Sarah (MASSIT)
Date: May 10, 2018 1:03PM

The U. S. General Services Administration (GSA) has been doing a lot of work on their section508.gov website, mostly to incorporate the switch to WCAG2 AA, but also to update and improve the information they provide on accessible procurement. You may the information on their " How to Request Accessibility Information from Vendors and Contractors" [1] page useful. The " How to Define Accessibility Provisions, Clauses, and Acceptance Criteria" [2] page has guidance on the kinds of testing you may want/need to do for custom development, including sample contract language. Both of those pages are linked to from their "Revised 508 Standards Refresh Toolkit" [3] which has other things that may help, too.

Another approach is look at the information GSA provides for vendors in the "Sell" section of their site, " Sell Accessible Products and Services" [4].

While your processes may not need to be as elaborate as the federal government's, there may be bits and pieces that you can adopt.

[1] https://section508.gov/refresh-toolkit/request-accessibility-information-from-vendors-and-contractors
[2] https://section508.gov/refresh-toolkit/accessibility-provisions
[3] https://www.section508.gov/refresh-toolkit
[4] https://www.section508.gov/content/sell-accessible

Sarah E. Bourne
Director of IT Accessibility
Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS)
1 Ashburton Place, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02108
Office: (617) 626-4502
<EMAIL REMOVED> | www.mass.gov/eotss