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Re: Visible skip navigation links, was: good example
From: holly marie
Date: Nov 13, 2003 8:26AM
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephanie Sullivan"
> > Load a page that is full of links, and offers a skip link... try the
> > Gilder page... btw this does work nicely where there is css
> > and one does not wish the link to be hidden, though I do not believe
> > this is supported in all browsers(opera may not support this, safari
> > mac users might not)
> > http://blog.tom.me.uk/2003/09/13/skipadeedoodah.php
> Actually, it's not the CSS that's a problem. It's the fact that Safari
> not support tabbed browsing... (Unbelievable in a new browser)
Actually Opera has some accessibility edges over the mainstream
Shortcut keys, when learned, are in many cases more accessible, than
across keyboard combo stretches that some other browsers implement. The
sizing, some may argue, though I happen to believe resize on page is
nicer on two fronts... resize scheme is right up front in the GUI and
not buried in a menu dropdown. And there are more ranges.
So let's not toss the browser out completely. :)
personally I feel moz and its counterparts are far better than the rest,
though we have to think or realize that there are those that may be on
some systems and limited to what they can or cannot use... either
corporate dictates, educational rules on install of various software
apps, and then there are those that are maybe new to computers or
operating systems and will use whatever came bundled or working with
their system.
> I have a friend who is blind (uses JAWS) and she holds to the fact
> people who have disabilities are still smart and know how to find
> that works for their particular disability. Meaning, a person that
must tab
> through a web page doesn't use Safari. Period. Because it doesn't
> tabbing... So it doesn't matter if Tom's technique doesn't work in
Links are accessed differently in Opera than they are in other browsers.
Opera incorporates the use of spatial navigation, which is nice.
> It does work on IE 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0 (most commonly used) as well as
any Moz
> based browsers (Windows or Mac), so to me, it's a good method. Opera
is such
> an obscure browser with so many problems, that I'd be shocked to see
> someone with a motor disability was struggling through page after page
> trying to force that browser to work. ;)
No doubt it is a nice solution, though it is always be aware of who it
might not work for, or in which situations it may not work.
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- Next message: Jon Gunderson: "RE: Visible skip navigation links, was: good example"
- Previous message: Jim Thatcher: "RE: Visible skip navigation links, was: good example"
- Next message in Thread: Jon Gunderson: "RE: Visible skip navigation links, was: good example"
- Previous message in Thread: Jim Thatcher: "RE: Visible skip navigation links, was: good example"
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