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RE: design/web standards
From: Randy Pearson
Date: Nov 14, 2003 10:24AM
- Next message: Nancy Swenson: "RE: design/web standards"
- Previous message: Jim Thatcher: "RE: Visible skip navigation links, was: good example"
- Next message in Thread: Nancy Swenson: "RE: design/web standards"
- Previous message in Thread: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: design/web standards"
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> As for the <noscript> issue:
> The <noscript> element is intended to serve as an alternative
> presentation or means to access what is being presented from
> the client-side scripting. For example: if you use javascript
> for a fly-out menu or dropdown menu for navigation, you would
> put an equivalent list of links in your <noscript> element.
What is the recommended practice when a particular <scrip> tag does not
require any non-JS counterpart at that particular location in the document?
For example when loading an external JS file, calling a JS function etc.
Should you just add an empty <noscript> just to keep accessibility checkers
<script type="text/javascript">function abc(){...}</script>
<noscript><!-- nothing needed at this location --></noscript>
This is sort of like <table summary="layout"> or <img alt="">.
-- Randy
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- Next message: Nancy Swenson: "RE: design/web standards"
- Previous message: Jim Thatcher: "RE: Visible skip navigation links, was: good example"
- Next message in Thread: Nancy Swenson: "RE: design/web standards"
- Previous message in Thread: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: design/web standards"
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