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Re: cost of lawsuit?


From: Scott Tate
Date: May 24, 2019 12:18PM

Agreed, but I can't find any lawsuits won against anyone who was currently in a remediation at the time of a demand letter. I've trolled Lexis Nexis and other sources at length, and can't find anyone that has ever lost while fixing their systems. As always, it's not a guarantee, but it's better than being blatantly exposed (e.g. CNN, Schwab, Home Depot and many other massive companies with more violations than a calculator can count! 😊)

From: Amanda J. Rush < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] cost of lawsuit?

<blockquote>SC: The one thing we have seen as a common theme is that no one seems to ever get sued if you have a remediation effort currently 'underway'. ADA remediation is a lot like PCI remediation. Once you start 'fixing the issues', the legal world tends to back off in good faith.</blockquote>

Problem is, the lawyers involved in the demand letter/driveby lawsuit racket aren't operating in good faith. So i'm not sure anyone can count on demand letters and the like being haulted while an ongoing remediation effort is happening.


On 5/24/2019 2:09 PM, Scott Tate wrote:

We've seen that as high as 50k depending on the industry. Airlines (ACAA) and hospitality tend to be somewhat higher than general retail. And, you still have to fix the issues even if you settle. 😐

The one thing we have seen as a common theme is that no one seems to ever get sued if you have a remediation effort currently 'underway'. ADA remediation is a lot like PCI remediation. Once you start 'fixing the issues', the legal world tends to back off in good faith.
