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Re: SC 2.2.2 and Screen Readers


From: Wolfgang Berndorfer
Date: May 24, 2019 12:48PM

Hi Birkir & all,
I work with Fusion, more with Jaws in that then with Zoomtext. And I
experiece the problems you described too often. But are they an issue of
Aria-live should handle these problems for screen readers. But ARIA isn't
focussed by 2.2.2. By the way: Which SC can be relevant for usage of
So what stays for 2.2.2 and screen readers?
-----UrsprĂĽngliche Nachricht-----
Von: WebAIM-Forum [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ] Im Auftrag
von Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Mai 2019 18:12
An: WebAIM Discussion List
Betreff: Re: [WebAIM] SC 2.2.2 and Screen Readers


The updated content can cause the screen reader to refresh its virtual
copy of the page, so the screen reader focus may randomly jump to the
top of the page, or even just to some random place on the page
whenever the content is updated.
This doesn't happen for all content, it depends on the nature of the
content being updated (is it just text, does it contain focusable
elements?) but when it happens it's a major usability problem for a
screen reader user.
Another is over use of live regions. If you e.g. have content with a
time in it and the time updates every second and you make the content
a live region, the screen reader will keep announcing the timer value
instead of reading the page content, it's like having someone
constantly yelling numbers into your ear.

Same with audio, if audio auto plays and that audio is louder than the
screen reader, you can't hear the screen reader so you can't operate
the page.
If you have NVDA or Jaws installed, try to click a YouTube video with
music and then navigate the page to look at other vidios from the
channel. It's hard to do while the video is playing, and it's also
hard to find the "pause" button (if the video auto plays when the page
loads you are far away from the pause button when the video starts).

On 5/24/19, Wolfgang Berndorfer < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi WCAG freaks,
> All the information I get for SC 2.2.2 is about visual issues:
> https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/time-limits-pause.html
> *except:*
> a) "Common time-based content includes audio ."
> b) "It can also cause problems for screen readers."
> But which problems for screen readers could be meant? And which audio
> content?
> Wolfgang
> > > > >

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