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Re: WCAG 2.0 level AA and the combination between screen readers and browsers compatibility


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Jun 5, 2019 5:12AM


WCAG 2.0 has a section called Core Conformance requirements.
One of those requirements is that content must be "accessibility supported".
The wording is vague but the way I interpret it is that you should be
able to demonstrate that it works with at least one popular
combination of a browser and a screen reader (ideally also check for
screen magnification and speech recocnition, though that limits your
I generally recommend to single out NVDA as the screen reader, and
either FF or Chrome as a default screen reader testing platform (it
used to be FF but I am getting increasingly frustrated with FF these
days and Chrome is coming in stronger).
NVDA is open source so it can be upgraded as web technologies are
updated. You can file NVDA issues through GitHub so if you discover
systematic problems you can demonstrate a record of having tried your
best to fix them.
Jaws is powerful and it is the screen reader I personally use the
most, but it's not perfect either and upgrading it is not cheap, so I
have not assumed that users can necessarily stay up-to-date with the
latest and (hopefully) greatest versions.
The differences between the two are not huge.
Generally, if it works with one combination, it will work with the
other (though beware of IE11 as it is effectively done and no longer
keeps up with evolving technologies).

On 6/3/19, Eilana Benish < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi all,
> is there any document from the WCAG which specifies how many screen readers
> and browser combinations should be compatible to the WCAG 2 level AA?
> from my experience, it is impossible to meet all the combinations with all
> screen readers and browsers when websites implement ARIA and HTML5
> Here in Israel, we must comply to the Israeli 5568 standard which based on
> the WCAG 2.0 Level AA and the modification maid so the 2.4.10 Section
> Headings level AAA
> <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/navigation-mechanisms-headings.html>
> criteria will be also included in the Israeli 5568 standard (I insisted for
> that downgrade back then …).
> HTML 5 and ARIA are commonly used, many times incorrectly and when not
> needed… and then the fixing issues starts.
> I know the common combinations for screen reader and browsers
> · NVDA + FF
> · JAWS + Google chrome and IE
> · IOS + safari
> · Talkback + android
> I`m testing in the latest versions …
> But sometimes the developer develops the sites with JAWS for chrome and IE
> and leaves the rest behind. And then I have to ask to repair… and then they
> start to argue
> And at the end, the client wonts to be sure that his website is WCAG and
> the regulations compliant. And in Israel, I am authorized
> accessibility consulted
> – and my signature required
> So, I need to know what the WCAG have to say about the compliant issue.
> I hope someone can help me with that
> Thanks in advance.
> Eilana Benish
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