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Screen readers that DISPLAY what they see


From: Haim Roman
Date: Jun 5, 2019 6:03AM

Yeah, I know, sounds very redundant.
But recently I discovered a bug where aria-label text obscured (to the
screen reader) the test of the HTML <LABEL> tag.
I really didn't want to use a screen reader because I'm not used to them
and my hearing is not as good as my vision (also, someone else was going to
test it).
But someone told me that there is *software to visually display what a
screen reader would "see"*, and in the same order that a screen reader
would see it.
Does anyone know of such software


Howard (Haim) Roman -- <EMAIL REMOVED> -- 052-8-592-599 -- חיים רומן
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haimroman