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Landmarks structures


From: Murphy, Sean
Date: Apr 21, 2020 4:01AM


I have been doing some research for landmarks and want to get some clarification.

1. If no landmarks are present, is this technically a 1.3.1 failure? If so, what technique / failure does this relate to? As I could not identify one.
2. I have seen multiple posts and even Axe refers to only having one header (banner), content-info (footer), main, aside, etc on a page. Is this documented anywhere? As I read in a W3C tutorial stating you could have multiple banners for example in one of their tutorials. An example blog: https://keithjgrant.com/posts/2018/03/html5-sectioning-and-landmark-elements/
3. Is it bad practise to have nested regions? I can understand the practise of only having one header, footer, main, etc on a page.

Base upon the W3C page https://www.w3.org/TR/html53/sections.html Using an aria-label will <H#> is suggested to be used instead of aria-label because this will change it to a region. This is not clearly spelled out in the W3C document.Other blogs do mention this. Extract from this document about labelling a section:

"Assistive Technology may convey the semantics of the section<https://www.w3.org/TR/html53/sections.html#elementdef-section> to users when the element has an explicit label. This information can provide a hint to users as to the type of content. For example the role of the element, which in this case is "region", can be announced by screen reader software when a user navigates to an section<https://www.w3.org/TR/html53/sections.html#elementdef-section> element. User Agents may also provide methods to navigate to section<https://www.w3.org/TR/html53/sections.html#elementdef-section> elements.".

The W3C above document does not mention you cannot nest Nav's, is this correct or not?

I wish to understand the nesting rules for regions.

Sean document

Sean Murphy | Digital System specialist (Accessibility)
Telstra Digital Channels | Digital Systems
Mobile: 0405 129 739 | Desk: (02) 9866-7917