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Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks
From: Crystal Allen
Date: Mar 7, 2000 6:11PM
- Next message: Kathryn Wyeth: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
- Previous message: Paul Bohman: "Re: What motivates you?"
- Next message in Thread: Kathryn Wyeth: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
- Previous message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "Re: What motivates you?"
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I'm curious as to which accessibility features Hot Metal 6.0 checks for? I
assume alt tags and ... what other accesssibility features?
I'm not sure if you are aware of Bobby http://www.cast.org/bobby/ , another
tool that will (to a limited extent) check the accessibility of your site.
Bobby checks for text equivalents for all non-text elements, summaries of
graphs and charts, information conveyed with color is also available without
color, clearly identified changes in the natural language of a document,
content organized logically and clearly, and alternative content provided
for features (e.g., applets or plug-ins) that may not be supported.
Paul and Kathryn,
Good summary of the motivation and reasons for lack of motivation that web
designers may have. I would hope that people would want to design
accessibly just because it is a great service to others, but a little
legislation to back that up would work wonders.
Crystal Allen
- Next message: Kathryn Wyeth: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
- Previous message: Paul Bohman: "Re: What motivates you?"
- Next message in Thread: Kathryn Wyeth: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
- Previous message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "Re: What motivates you?"
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