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Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks
From: Kathryn Wyeth
Date: Mar 7, 2000 7:09PM
- Next message: Paul Bohman: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
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- Previous message in Thread: Crystal Allen: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
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Yes thanks, I use Bobby a lot - good prompt to learn more I think since so
many thing need to be checked manually.
Sometimes it is nice to catch things as you are writing too though.
I think the following link to an article is of Hotmetal 5. It may answer
your question though:
- Next message: Paul Bohman: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
- Previous message: Crystal Allen: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
- Next message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
- Previous message in Thread: Crystal Allen: "Re: What motivates you? and accessibility checks"
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