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Re: Should there be persistent visible text labels for search buttons or burger menu buttons?


From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: Aug 10, 2021 9:08AM

On 10/08/2021 15:49, Wing Kuet wrote:
> Does anyone have a view of whether a search magnifying image button next to a textbox should have a persistent visible text label?
> [cid:image001.jpg@01D78DFF.4138FE30]
> Also should there be a persistent visible text label for a burger menu button that usually appears by itself when a page is zoomed in?
> [Icon Description automatically generated]

In the normative/WCAG sense, no. From a more general usability point of
view, there will be those that argue that icons on their own by their
very nature are more difficult to understand than something with text,
while others will argue that they're "common" enough to be
understandable even for people with cognitive disabilities, through
sheer attrition/use. I personally fall in the latter camp.

Patrick H. Lauke

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