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Re: Hiding a link from visual browsers only


From: Maximillian Schwanekamp
Date: Jun 10, 2004 1:52AM

>Skip links only are necessary when the flow of content is amiss,
>if you have your navigation _after_ the main content in the page
>source and you use CSS to position it visually before it, you don't need

Ah, thanks for the reminder! I had forgotten to place the navigation after
the content. My skip nav is indeed redundant, though the question was still
valid since I have now changed it to a "jump to content" link (still hidden
with left:-999px), though rather unnecessary except for text-only browsers
perhaps. Thanks again.

Maximillian Von Schwanekamp
Dynamic Websites and E-Commerce
voice: 541-302-1438
fax: 208-730-6504