WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: LIFT Transcoder being pimped


From: John Hamman
Date: Aug 5, 2004 9:46AM

We do both for multiple reasons. For the majority of businesses and sites,
accessibility is not easy, NOT just because of the changing of current code
but because of marketing and flow control of the site. If we were JUST to
look at the factor of changing the code with accessibility, many commercial
sites would probably grab it as a low hanging fruit. BUT the problem is
marketing involved. Not only would you have to design the page to be
accessible but to look good and fill the requirements of the sites target
audience. That's where it becomes difficult. So what we do is make both a
text only and make the front end accessible. The page content is pulled from
a xml file that is fed to an style sheet that will format it for text only
or not. That way there is no loss in upkeep. So the text only shows the
exact same content as the non text only no matter what. Plus it allows the
user to choose his or her own pace on the site. And to top it off. It allows
more marketing opportunities. Higher keyword indexing.
-just my 2 cents.