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Re: Does PDF.JS render acccessible PDF experience?


From: Philip Kiff
Date: Jun 19, 2024 11:32AM

Mmmm....re-testing now, and I don't seem to be able to reproduce what I
said I did. I guess it must have been a personal hallucination (or
misremembering after too many duplicate edits). It looks like you're
right and that none of the Firefox edits get transferred over to the tag
tree or regular content containers: everything remains in annotation.
Which I assume is why the alternative text doesn't appear anywhere,
since there's no provision for it in annotations.



On 2024-06-19 11:39 a.m., Steve Green wrote:
> I'd love to know how you managed to add an image with alt text. I was expecting to be able to do that, but I can't find a way to do so. When I autotag the document after adding an image, the image itself is not visible in the Tags or Content panel. Instead, it appears as a Stamp-OBJR inside an <Annot> tag.
> Steve