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Re: Your experience with Foxit


From: Karen McCall
Date: Jun 28, 2024 10:48AM

At one time, there was a price point advantage with Foxit, but in December 2023 they went to a subscription model so am not sure the price advantage still exists.

I find that there are tools missing from Foxit, I have to add the Tags, Content and Order Panels EVERY time I launch it and sometimes even when I switch documents.

I can't test things like changes in language or using the expansion text for acronyms in it using JAWS because it doesn't seem to support either the screen reader or the <Span> tag for those purposes. I end up using Acrobat to fill in the gaps.

The keyboard support is about the same as Acrobat, there are some keyboard commands but often they drop off once you leave the main Ribbon tab. I can't use F2 in the Tags Tree to edit a Tag, I have to double click.

For scanned documents, I tested both Acrobat and Foxit about a month or two ago to get updated information. Foxit failed miserably. The text recognition process is not intuitive, often flies by without waiting for you to answer or click on the next step. When I got a list of suspect text, only two instances in the one-page document, and confirmed they were recognized correctly, I then tagged the PDF and ended up with a one page document of empty <P>. Tags.

I'm still using the old UI in Acrobat as long as I can as the new one simply doesn't meet my needs in terms of being able to customize my workspace. There are also a lot of things called "rails" in the new UI which are meaningless and I find the verbosity of tools is just too much.

Anyway, Foxit, like Acrobat, has its issues. I tend to stick with Acrobat because I can test more, don't have to keep adding my tools to the Navigation Panel, and don't end up having to go back to Acrobat because a tool or part of a tool is missing.

My 2 cents CAD.

I know the Canadian government switched to Foxit a few years ago.

Cheers, Karen