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Re: Your experience with Foxit


From: Ryan E. Benson
Date: Jun 28, 2024 2:31PM


I tested it back in September. I agree with Karen's comments. One thing I'd
add is the auto-tagging feature is years behind Adobe. While Acrobat isn't
perfect, it did surprisingly well when I tested a few months ago.

Ryan E. Benson

On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 2:39 PM Laura Roberts < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Thanks Karen for the detailed list.
> Some good news on one issue - I reported the expansion text bug to them and
> they repaired it in the May update.
> And that's one thing I can say for them - their tech support was responsive
> unlike Adobe.
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 12:48 PM Karen McCall < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> wrote:
> > At one time, there was a price point advantage with Foxit, but in
> December
> > 2023 they went to a subscription model so am not sure the price advantage
> > still exists.
> >
> > I find that there are tools missing from Foxit, I have to add the Tags,
> > Content and Order Panels EVERY time I launch it and sometimes even when I
> > switch documents.
> >
> > I can't test things like changes in language or using the expansion text
> > for acronyms in it using JAWS because it doesn't seem to support either
> the
> > screen reader or the <Span> tag for those purposes. I end up using
> Acrobat
> > to fill in the gaps.
> >
> > The keyboard support is about the same as Acrobat, there are some
> keyboard
> > commands but often they drop off once you leave the main Ribbon tab. I
> > can't use F2 in the Tags Tree to edit a Tag, I have to double click.
> >
> > For scanned documents, I tested both Acrobat and Foxit about a month or
> > two ago to get updated information. Foxit failed miserably. The text
> > recognition process is not intuitive, often flies by without waiting for
> > you to answer or click on the next step. When I got a list of suspect
> text,
> > only two instances in the one-page document, and confirmed they were
> > recognized correctly, I then tagged the PDF and ended up with a one page
> > document of empty <P>. Tags.
> >
> > I'm still using the old UI in Acrobat as long as I can as the new one
> > simply doesn't meet my needs in terms of being able to customize my
> > workspace. There are also a lot of things called "rails" in the new UI
> > which are meaningless and I find the verbosity of tools is just too much.
> >
> > Anyway, Foxit, like Acrobat, has its issues. I tend to stick with Acrobat
> > because I can test more, don't have to keep adding my tools to the
> > Navigation Panel, and don't end up having to go back to Acrobat because a
> > tool or part of a tool is missing.
> >
> > My 2 cents CAD.
> >
> > I know the Canadian government switched to Foxit a few years ago.
> >
> > Cheers, Karen
> >
> >