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Re: - VPAT for Services


From: Vaibhav Saraf
Date: Jul 12, 2024 11:56AM

Thanks Doug!

On Fri, 12 Jul 2024 at 11:20, Hayman, Douglass < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Vaibhav,
> I concur with Patrick and Ryan's replies.
> I'd add to what you mentioned about not needing 3rd party review. So
> often on the VPATs I've seen they'll say something like "familiarity with
> the product" and not much else. If the internal person at the company was
> both familiar with the product AND knowledgeable on accessibility then that
> would go further in my book. I've seen some VPATs done internally where a
> knowledgeable person mentions using JAWS, NVDA and Voiceover etc.
> Too often though I'll see the questionably perfect VPAT where everything
> passed. Or they'll have nothing found in comments section. Some even pare
> down the VPAT, leaving out whole sections. I'd much rather see the
> blemishes and what it is that they are doing to remediate those in the near
> future.
> Moving beyond the person requesting a VPAT for your service, it does seem
> like what they'd really want is to know the background of your people and
> the methodology that you all use to do your work. What comes to mind are
> companies like Deque, Level Access and others where you can also see the
> staff and what their expertise is.
> Doug Hayman
> IT Accessibility Coordinator
> Information Technology
> Olympic College
> (360) 475-7632