WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

E-mail List Archives

Re: CSS Live Region


From: Christine Hogenkamp
Date: Jul 30, 2024 2:20PM

I agree with Patrick, I don't think we are serving the members of this
mailing list by normalizing asking AI apps questions about accessibility,
since they are not search engines nor encyclopedia type resources but just
generate text based on statistical likelihood of the next word in the
sentence. A lot of bad advice or incorrect info can be given by accident
just by missing a word like "not" etc. especially as answers to questions
posed by people who don't yet have the expertise to evaluate the answer for

*Christine Hogenkamp (She, Her)*
Front-end Developer
Context Creative – a Mod Op company
416.972.1439 | contextcreative.com

On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 2:00 PM < <EMAIL REMOVED> >

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Patrick H. Lauke" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:55:10 +0100
> Subject: Re: [WebAIM] CSS Live Region
> On 30/07/2024 15:46, <EMAIL REMOVED> wrote:
> > My consulted Gemini.
> A small "can we stop this kind of crap answer? If you don't know the
> answer, asking some spicy autocomplete instead won't help capture the
> actual nuance required". This isn't "let me AI this for you" as a
> service here...
> And indeed, while the short answer here is that no, you wouldn't
> normally call it a live region, the fact that your currently focused
> element is dynamically changing will have repercussions for whether or
> not assistive technologies will announce the change. Just setting
> `aria-pressed` here is not necessarily the answer either, as you then
> get into weird double-negative-style announcements as well. See Have a
> read through https://sarahmhigley.com/writing/playing-with-state/
> And yes, one "trick" to make the dynamic change of the label for the
> currently focused control announce consistently sometimes *does* involve
> making the control itself a tiny live region. See
> https://adrianroselli.com/2020/12/be-careful-with-dynamic-accessible-names.html
> P
> --
> Patrick H. Lauke
> * https://www.splintered.co.uk/
> * https://github.com/patrickhlauke
> * https://flickr.com/photos/redux/
> * https://mastodon.social/@patrick_h_lauke