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Re: -NVDA erratic behaviour for Track Changes and comments


From: Karen McCall
Date: Jul 31, 2024 1:12PM

I am in Microsoft Word 365.

Yes, I can get the elements list and move to annotations but where last week I saw both track changes/revisions and comments, as of today I am only seeing comments.

I was using the latest version of NVDA and I’m still using that version since there are no updates.

I have updated Microsoft 365 to see if that would make a difference, but no.

I can use insert on the numb pad plus spacebar to go into browse mode and access the list of headings, errors and links, it just seems that the Track changes/revisions/comments is not working as it should.

I have no clue why.

Cheers, Karen

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From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > on behalf of Hayman, Douglass < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 3:09:02 PM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] [EXTERNAL] - Re: NVDA erratic behaviour for Track Changes and comments

What Dax said,

I had to do the combo Insert plus space bar and then the elements list came up. Otherwise it was taking my insert plus F7 as just an F7 which opens the Editor in Word.

Once it opened it had only for categories
1. Links
2. Headings
3. Annotations
4. Errors

And previously I recall Dax pointing out that the elements list for Acrobat has a different group of items it shows than what you get for a web browser with fewer categories in the PDF.

Doug Hayman
IT Accessibility Coordinator
Information Technology
Olympic College
(360) 475-7632