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Re: NVDA erratic behaviour for Track Changes and comments


From: Karen McCall
Date: Aug 4, 2024 6:09AM

OK, this is an NVDA 2024 bug.

The document I've been working with was created two weeks ago and I've been using it as a test document.

I created a new document this morning and added Track Changes/revisions first. When I went to the elements list dialog, Annotations, the revisions were there. I then added a comment and when I went to the Elements list dialog, Annotations, both the comment and the revision/Track Changes were listed.

So, for some reason, NVDA doesn't like working in a collaborative document where comments and Track Changes are used if the document is accessed several times.

I even added another r comment and made a few more revisions in the original document and the revisions/Track Changes were not displayed in the Elements list dialog, Annotations.

Once again, this is Word in Microsoft 365 where the Elements list has different options than when you are on a web page or PDF.


If anyone has a contact with NV Access, please let them know about this bug. I don't want to login to GitHub to add this to a long list of bugs.

Cheers, Karen