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Re: odd JAWS behavior with MathML and MathJax


From: Jerra Strong
Date: Aug 16, 2024 1:12PM


I can't help but please report back if you find something that corrects
this behavior, I'm very interested!

On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 4:15 PM Mike Warner < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Hi,
> we have test questions where the answer choices are fractions and the
> MathML for the fraction is in the label tag for the radio button. NVDA
> reads it as expected. That means that when I arrow to the radio button, the
> math is read as the actual math. In JAWS, the fraction for three
> sixteenths, as an example, is announced as 3 16 when I arrow to the radio
> button and the text output is also 3 16. but when I arrow to the label
> itself, it's properly announced as three sixteenths, but the text output is
> just the letter X. I have the default JAWS settings and have tried various
> settings in MathJax. Can anyone offer some insight?
> Thanks,
> Mike Warner
> Director of IT Services
> MindEdge Learning
> > > > >

Jerra Strong
Web Accessibility Specialist
UNLV|Web & Digital Strategy
TAC 208 (Inside 205)
*Pronouns: He/Him/His*