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Re: odd JAWS behavior with MathML


From: Mitchell Evan
Date: Aug 22, 2024 1:05PM

Hi Mike,

Please report a bug at the following repo. JAWS direct support for math is
relatively recent, and the developers should appreciate an example to help
them improve.



Mitchell Evan, CPWA
+49 1525 8950540
+1 510 375 6104

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Warner < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 16:15:09 -0700
Subject: [WebAIM] odd JAWS behavior with MathML and MathJax

we have test questions where the answer choices are fractions and the
MathML for the fraction is in the label tag for the radio button. NVDA
reads it as expected. That means that when I arrow to the radio button, the
math is read as the actual math. In JAWS, the fraction for three
sixteenths, as an example, is announced as 3 16 when I arrow to the radio
button and the text output is also 3 16. but when I arrow to the label
itself, it's properly announced as three sixteenths, but the text output is
just the letter X. I have the default JAWS settings and have tried various
settings in MathJax. Can anyone offer some insight?

Mike Warner
Director of IT Services
MindEdge Learning