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Re: - DHS Trusted Tester_Testing support/input


From: Hayman, Douglass
Date: Aug 29, 2024 9:07AM


I believe that you're on the right path. As someone who also got the Trusted Tester cert in 2020 and tests both web sites and apps, I think that we can use WCAG as a structural reference point for examining the accessibility of a web site or an app.

Can one navigate through either using keyboard only?

When landing upon interactive form fields while using a screen reader, is there adequate information for the user to know what the label is and what format they are expected to enter?

Does the app or web site provide information with color alone? Or does it fail to meet color contrast standards?

Testing either an app or a web page we try to put ourselves in the position that a screen reader user, low vision user, speech recognition user and so on would be in.

Knowing how to interact with a web site, app or PDF file using a screen reader like NVDA has similar process as what we did in Trusted Tester process. Some of that used the ANDI tool, some called for manual steps.

A colleague who is a full time screen reader user on multiple platforms and operating systems reminded me that some apps are created with Electron. As I understand that as a non-developer you build it as a chrome-based site/app then export for use in browsers or as stand alone app for iOS or Android.

A recent vendor I'm testing provided me access to a desktop version and an iOS app and this product appears to have been built that way with similar access fails in each while some elements are only accessible on the desktop version.

Doug Hayman
IT Accessibility Coordinator
Information Technology
Olympic College
(360) 475-7632