WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: Clear text within search edit field


From: Barry
Date: Sep 14, 2024 6:34AM

As the button is a clear edit field button (a button designed to clear or reset the contents of a form input field) and it is not focusable and not marked as an interactive element, the impact on accessibility would be significant, especially for users relying on assistive technologies. Here's why:
Switch Controller Users: If the clear button cannot be focused, users navigating with a switch controller would have no way of interacting with it. They wouldn’t be able to clear the field, forcing them to either manually delete the content (which could be tedious) or abandon the form altogether.
Voice Control Users: Without the button being marked as interactive, voice control systems may not recognize it as an actionable element. Users would lose the ability to simply say “Clear,” “Reset,” or whatever command is associated with that button, forcing them to take manual steps to delete the text.
Magnification users: Magnification might make the button visually appear like it’s clickable or interactive, but without proper accessibility attributes (focusable and marked as interactive), pressing it will have no effect. This could confuse the user, especially if they expect the button to perform an action but are unable to trigger it.
Screen Reader Users: If the button is not properly labeled or focusable, screen readers would likely ignore it, making it impossible for blind or visually impaired users to even know the button exists, much less interact with it.

