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Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page.
From: Steve Green
Date: Jan 24, 2025 8:20AM
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If it's irrelevant (which I don't accept), why do NOTE 1 and the Understanding page make numerous references to 400% zoom and no reference to any other method of achieving 320 CSS pixels? And why does almost everything in the Understanding page refer to zooming, whereas I think there is only one reference to viewing on a narrow screen (and that reference is incidental). For instance:
"Goal: Content can be enlarged without increasing line length."
"Why it's important: People who need bigger text..."
"The intent of this Success Criterion is to support people with low vision who need to enlarge text"
"The focus of the Reflow Success Criterion is to enable users to zoom in without having to scroll in two directions."
"Using the responsive web design approach is the most effective method of achieving the goal of allowing people to zoom in to 400%."
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- Previous message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page."
- Next message in Thread: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page."
- Previous message in Thread: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page."
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