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Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page.
From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: Jan 24, 2025 8:30AM
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On 24/01/2025 15:20, Steve Green wrote:
> If it's irrelevant (which I don't accept)
> why do NOTE 1 and the Understanding page make numerous references to 400% zoom and no reference to any other method of achieving 320 CSS pixels? And why does almost everything in the Understanding page refer to zooming, whereas I think there is only one reference to viewing on a narrow screen (and that reference is incidental). [...]
Because the question here is about testing. The understanding talks
about the actual reason why users need things to happen when they
enlarge content to a high magnification. If you want to test it in
exactly the same way, feel free, but there is NO difference between, say
a window that was set to 1280 by 1024 pixels and then zoomed to 400% (it
has a reported CSS viewport of 320 by 256 CSS pixels), or a window set
to 640 by 512 zoomed to 200%, or a window set to 320 by 256 at 100%.
That's how CSS pixels work.
Patrick H. Lauke
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- Previous message: Steve Green: "Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page."
- Next message in Thread: Steve Green: "Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page."
- Previous message in Thread: Steve Green: "Re: - Reg: Screen reader testing when screen Resized or Reflow settings applied on the page."
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