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defining table captions in Word
From: David Farough
Date: Jan 27, 2025 12:45PM
- Next message: BrianD: "Re: remote usability tests and screen sharing - best approach?"
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Is there a good way to insure that table captions are provided for Jaws users when listing the tables in a document?
I am aware of the alt text tab of the table properties, but I am noticing that the language for the table is not being used when presenting this information.
I am also noticing that if a caption is provided above the table that Jaws does not always use the information when the tables are listed.
Is there something wrong with the caption style or the placement that might account for this?
Thanks for any feedback on this question.
- Next message: BrianD: "Re: remote usability tests and screen sharing - best approach?"
- Previous message: Hayman, Douglass: "Re: - Captions question"
- Next message in Thread: jp Jamous: "Re: defining table captions in Word"
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