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Re: Problem with saving language settings in a word document
From: David Farough
Date: Feb 6, 2025 1:39PM
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Just in case someone else experiences this issue I will provide the following information that was extremely helpful.
I have to say that this highlights the importance of using the correct template and styles for your documents.
** copied text follows **
It sounds like your language settings for the Table of Contents (ToC) and links are being overridden upon saving, likely due to one of the following reasons:
Potential Causes and Solutions:
1. Styles and Templates Overriding Language Settings
• Cause: If the document is based on a template (.dotx or .dotm), styles may be pre-set to a specific language, and any manual changes revert upon saving.
• Solution:
1. Open the Styles Pane (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S).
2. Find the styles used for the ToC (e.g., "TOC 1", "TOC 2") and hyperlinks.
3. Modify these styles by clicking Modify → Format → Language and set it to French.
4. Ensure "Do not check spelling or grammar" is unchecked.
2. ToC Regeneration Resetting Language
• Cause: When the Table of Contents is updated (F9), it pulls formatting from the original source, which might be in a different language.
• Solution:
1. Before updating, change the ToC styles (as mentioned above).
2. After updating, select the ToC, apply the language setting, and immediately save the document.
3. Linked Text Adopting Default Language
• Cause: Hyperlinks may inherit language settings from the Normal template or underlying styles.
• Solution:
1. Select all hyperlinks (Ctrl + A might help).
2. Set the language manually (Review → Language → Set Proofing Language → French).
3. If that does not persist, check the Hyperlink style under the Styles Pane and apply the language setting there.
4. Document Template (Normal.dotm) Enforcing Defaults
• Cause: The default Normal.dotm template may be overriding your document settings.
• Solution:
1. Open Word and go to File → Options → Language.
2. Ensure that French is the default language.
3. Open Normal.dotm (found in %APPDATA%MicrosoftTemplates) and set the language for styles there.
5. Corrupt Document Formatting
• Cause: If the document was converted from another format (e.g., PDF to Word), hidden metadata may be interfering.
• Solution:
1. Copy all text (except the last paragraph mark) into a new blank Word document.
2. Manually set language settings.
3. Save the new document and test if changes persist.
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