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Re: Problem with saving language settings in a word document
From: Christine Hogenkamp
Date: Feb 7, 2025 9:01AM
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Hi David,
I'm glad you were able to find some possible solutions for troubleshooting
the language issue. I was also going to ask if you had highlighted the
text/links before changing the language, since the pop up mentions "Mark
selected text as" and if you don't select any text first, the change in
language won't get applied to any text and thus when you reopen your saved
document, the language change wouldn't be captured. It may also help to
uncheck the box "Detect language automatically" before clicking the OK
Also noting that in Word on a Mac computer, we don't have File > Options to
change the language, it's under Tools > Language or Review > Language
(since Microsoft loves to mess around with the ribbon layouts in the Mac
versions of their software sigh)
*Christine Hogenkamp (She, Her)*
Front-end Developer & Accessibility Lead
Context Creative – a Mod Op company
416.972.1439 | contextcreative.com
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