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Query on Zoom Testing in Mobile Browser
From: Gopinathan Natesan
Date: Feb 19, 2025 5:17AM
- Next message: Jeff Gutsell: "Quick question on zoom testing"
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Hello everyone,
Hope all are doing well.
I have a query in a web app regarding zoom in mobile browsers. As a part of
1.4.10 Reflow, we are asking Developers to make sure all the content is
available without any truncation/overlap in 320x256 pixel screen. I am in
the assumption that this is the least screen resolution until which all the
page content should be displayed in the browser.
But when we are testing Zoom in a mobile browser by changing the text size
in browser settings, we are observing few elements are missing or getting
truncated. This is happening because the screen resolution goes below
320x256. Please note this resolution is different from device to
device based on its size.
Hence my query is till what resolution the Developers should work on and
make all the page content available without truncation/overlap. Is there
any reference so that I can have a healthy discussion with the team.
Thanks for your help in advance.
- Next message: Jeff Gutsell: "Quick question on zoom testing"
- Previous message: Steve Green: "Re: Can you remove link underlines and focus indicators in PDF documents?"
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