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How good/bad is the new Elementor WP Plugin ?


From: Baudouin VAN HUMBEECK
Date: Mar 7, 2025 5:13AM

Hello everyone, I've been lurking so far and learned a lot.

Today, I have a question regarding the new version of the Elementor Accessibility plugin ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/pojo-accessibility/ )

One of my current projects is to make the website cap48.be accessible (we are an ONG that raises and distributes funds towards the helping-the-disabled associations, etc.)

While conducting an accessibility audit on the web site, I found out several accessibility errors tinked to the usage of that plugin (the seemingly superfluous role=3D"link" in every link).

As someone on this list make the jump to the new and improved version of that plugin ? How does it score now when audited by Axe ? ~

Thanks in advance,


P.S. was this off-topic ? I'm on the spectrum therefore I'm never 100% sure my message fill the expected format, guidelines, etc.

Baudouin Van Humbeeck

du mercredi au vendredi : web editor cap48.be

Op=E9ration de Solidarit=E9 CAP48 =96 RTBF
Boulevard Reyers, 52 - 1044 Bruxelles

02/737.48.37 | 0495/55.92.78

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