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Re: Definition of focus
From: Steve Green
Date: Mar 6, 2025 11:42PM
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If you click on a focusable component outside the video player, it should receive focus. Have you verified that the focus does move to the carousel button when you click it? If so, it sounds like the script that controls the shortcuts for the video player isn't detecting this.
I can't think of any reason the carousel buttons would not receive focus when you click them. If you can tab to them, they should receive focus when clicked unless you are doing something very strange. Can you share the URL?
The fact that the carousel buttons don't receive focus when clicked is not a non-conformance of SC 2.1.4, but this unusual behaviour suggests that there may be other non-conformances.
Steve Green
Managing Director
Test Partners Ltd
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- Previous message in Thread: Zjef Herwig | HStalks: "Definition of focus"
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