WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: Cost of Web accessibility, yet again


From: julian.rickards
Date: Oct 6, 2004 7:35AM

The "problem" with many accessibility "features" is that they are subjective
which is why many automated accessibility checkers fail. They can determine
that the alt attribute is missing but they can determine what to insert in
an alt attribute: empty, short description, or long description (thus
requiring instead the longdesc attribute or a [D] link). Therefore, it is
difficult to say what is needed for the alt attribute: if all fit into the
empty-alt category, you job is easy but if each requires consideration as to
what is shown and how to describe it, 30 seconds may run into 2 minutes or

Maybe you could audit one page (perhaps for free) and then provide them a
cost per page. If the pages are similar, then you could easily meet your
cost. You must evaluate the job before you provide them a quote just a
mechanic does not take my word on what is wrong with the car.


Julian Rickards
A/Digital Publications Distribution Coordinator
Publication Services Section,
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines,
Vox: 705-670-5608 / Fax: 705-670-5960