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Re: PPT to clean HTML


From: Andrew Arch
Date: Dec 15, 2004 3:50AM

Hi Glenda,

You may want to have a look at Opera Show
(http://www.opera.com/support/tutorials/operashow/) and/or S5
(http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/) for future slide shows - best of
both worlds.

Dr Andrew Arch
Manager Online Accessibility Consulting
Accessible Information Solutions, NILS
Ph 613 9864 9222; Fax 613 9864 9210; Mobile 0438 755 565
http://www.nils.org.au/ais/ | http://www.ozewai.org/2004/

Member, Education & Outreach Working Group,
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

National Information & Library Service, Australia
A subsidiary of RBS.RVIB.VAF Ltd.