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Re: WCAG 2.0 and resizing text


From: KNOCK Alistair
Date: Feb 22, 2005 3:19AM

Not the same thing. Joe's main point is that multi-column layouts
aren't suitable for users of magnification software and so we should
allow our layouts to be mutatable into single columns which *the user*
can then zoom in and out of at will. Yes, they also need to be able to
enlarge the font size so that they don't have to fly around the page so
much, but the point is that it already exists in the user agent, is very
easy to use, and just requires each web developer to say somewhere on
their site, "This is how you do it in Mozilla, this is how you do it in
IE..." That's a lot easier than coding stylesheet switchers and
cookie/database lookups.

In any case, all I was saying is that being able to set persistent
settings for contrast and font size and great; being able to set
session-only settings I see as being a fairly useless toy which does
nothing but replicate standard browser behaviour in a non-standard way
(different icons on each website etc.)
