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Re: ADA compliance: ASP server-side scripting and text-only
From: Kynn Bartlett
Date: Dec 17, 2001 11:10AM
- Next message: Mark Newhouse: "Re: Netscape and alt tags "
- Previous message: Jukka Korpela: "RE: alt and title attributes "
- Next message in Thread: Scott, Angel: "RE: ADA compliance: ASP server-side scripting and text-only "
- Previous message in Thread: Jean Watkins: "Re: ADA compliance: ASP server-side scripting and text-only "
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At 9:36 AM -0800 12/14/01, Scott, Angel wrote:
>Hello All,
>I would like to work on a site and make the content as ADA compliant
>as possible with the following restriction posed by the W3C:
I don't believe that ADA compliance is defiend by the W3C. You
might want to say, "I want to make my web site compliant with
WCAG" or "I want to make my web site more accessible," but to the best
of my knowledge there is no such thing as a firm list of "ADA
compliance" as there is for Section 508 compliance.
This is a common mistake and it is important to understand the legal
ramifications of web accessibility, so I'm not just nitpicking here.
Now, to answer the question, the WCAG guideline you refer to about
scripting is only for client-side scripting technologies. Server-
side scripts which produce HTML, such as ASP, are not covered. The
requirement on those is to produce _accessible_ HTML. It does not
matter to the browser (nor to the guidelines) how that HTML is
- --Kynn
- --
Kynn Bartlett < <EMAIL REMOVED> > http://kynn.com
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain http://idyllmtn.com
Web Accessibility Expert-for-hire http://kynn.com/resume
January Web Accessibility eCourse http://kynn.com/+d201
- Next message: Mark Newhouse: "Re: Netscape and alt tags "
- Previous message: Jukka Korpela: "RE: alt and title attributes "
- Next message in Thread: Scott, Angel: "RE: ADA compliance: ASP server-side scripting and text-only "
- Previous message in Thread: Jean Watkins: "Re: ADA compliance: ASP server-side scripting and text-only "
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