WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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RE: The Commercialization of Web Accessibility


From: Jim Thatcher
Date: Dec 19, 2001 7:12PM

Hi Kynn and all,

I think it is arrogant, Kynn, for you to post the same eleven hundred word
message on each of three lists (WebAIM, WebWatch and WAI IG) which have a
large common following. Thank you, though, for not making the post
simultaneously; at least we didn't have to follow the discussion repeated on
three lists. I am amazed how much time you (and others) have to initiate,
read and respond to list traffic!

I agree that 508 has brought about the commercialization of web
accessibility. I believe major corporations are taking accessibility
seriously along with Federal agencies.

There is one dramatic down side, in my opinion. Experts like you, Kynn, are
not generally the ones being called by those corporations or agencies. Some,
maybe, but for the most part, large consulting companies create a "Section
508 Accessibility Division," and go after the work. They don't have the
competence and technical know-how to do it right. The work doesn't get
reviewed. The quality of accessibility suffers. This is less true for Web,
because there are such good resources available for web accessibility. It is
more true for the other five 508 Rules.

Accessibility Consulting
