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RE: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: backtotop)
From: Austin, Darrel
Date: Jan 18, 2006 8:15AM
- Next message: Penny Roberts: "Re: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: backto top)"
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> PS. I like the idea of different style sheets conceptually
> but I see them as a bit of a gimic (like skins) rather than
> an accessibilty issue
Probably because they are most often used as a gimmick rather than an
accessibility feature. ;o)
> (not saying they're not). I hate the
> idea from a coding perspective.
If implemented correctly, there shouldn't be much coding at all. It's
all based on the CSS.
- Next message: Penny Roberts: "Re: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: backto top)"
- Previous message: Austin, Darrel: "RE: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: [WebAIM]backtotop)"
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