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Web Research
From: John Bailey
Date: Jan 27, 2006 10:00AM
- Next message: Joshue O Connor: "Re: Content Management Systems"
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I am a PhD student at Durham University in the UK and I am trying to
investigate the link between how web pages are created and their
accessibility. My plan is to question web designers (via an online
questionnaire) about practices within organisations where they work /
have worked. The next step then is to evaluate those websites to
establish whether these practices (inspired by the ones cited in the WAI
Resources on Managing Accessibility
(http://www.w3.org/WAI/managing.html) are really producing accessible
web sites.
I will evaluate the sites against the W3C 1.0 Guidelines using a
semi-automatic tool and manual checks. I think it's vital to investigate
best practices for web development and discover which activities have
the greatest effect on overall accessibility.
The questionnaire can be found at
It is quite short and involves minimal typing.
Many thanks and any comments are always welcomed! :)
John Bailey
- Next message: Joshue O Connor: "Re: Content Management Systems"
- Previous message: Tim Beadle: "Re: Content Management Systems"
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