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RE: Accessible Flash


From: L
Date: Feb 13, 2006 10:45AM

Jan Schuffman wrote:

"A couple who are friends of mine now have two computers
but before they did, it was rough. "He" is 100% blind and uses JAWS. "She" is not, and enjoys Flash. Whenever he was online and encountered Flash with
an auto-detect and auto-start, he was stuck, since she had loaded a Flash player on their shared computer. Much better to ask the user which he/she prefers
- the Flash or non-Flash version of a page."

Leaving aside your good advice for a moment, a useful app that I used before I upgraded to a Flash happy screen reader was Flash Switch. Just a simple icon in the System Tray that could turn Flash on or off in an instant.

For more info, should it be of any use:

