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Re: Webmail suggestions


From: Michael D. Roush
Date: Mar 13, 2006 10:20AM

Kynn Bartlett wrote:
> I'm not recommending, just googling:
> Does anyone know about this?
> http://www.accessiblemail.com/

Judging from the utter lack of any response, I'm supposing nobody does.
I had seen it but not really looked into it yet. And now, looking at
the price tag, I think I can safely suggest to the place where I work
that it would be more cost effective for us to use an open-source
package and make the necessary modifications for a lot less than one
year's worth of their service would be.

Still looking for any other suggestions though... isn't there *anyone*
who has had to deal with webmail for the staff of an organization that
necessarily or voluntarily meets various accessibility standards?

For instance, I followed the link on WebAIM's site to Utah State
University and found their WebMail portal, but the links for "WebMail
v3.62" on that page are dead, and I get redirected to the company's main
page, where I can find nothing about the product... has anyone used the
system USU uses with any success? Is it even still available?
