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New Book and Invitation to Int'l Commission on Technology& Accessibility Meeting at CSUN


From: Cynthia Waddell
Date: Mar 16, 2006 5:20PM


This is just a heads-up that a new book will be coming out this Summer by
entitled "Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance."
This is
an update to our previous book by co-authors Jim Thatcher, Cynthia Waddell,
et al entitled "Constructing Accessible Web Sites." One of my expanded
on web accessibility laws and policies takes a look at over 25 countries and
dictions that require W3C WCAG and/or Section 508 accessible web design.

I also understand that some members of our list will be attending the
International Technology Conference for Persons with Disabilities in Los
Angeles, California USA next week (CSUN). This is an invitation to anyone
who will be at CSUN:

ICTA-NA General meeting and presentations at CSUN

Come meet us at CSUN. The North American chapter of the International
Commission on Technology and Accessibility (ICTA-NA) is holding an open
meeting on Thursday, March 23 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the Atlanta-Boston
Room of the LAX Marriott Hotel. Our speakers are expected to include Cynthia
Waddell (Chair, ICTA-NA), Mary Frances Laughton (Industry Canada), Tim
Creagan (US Access Board), and Chuck Letourneau (ICTA-NA). The presentations
will cover ICTA's participation in the World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS), updates on accessibility initiatives in the US, Canada and
Mexico and general information about ICTA-NA. Everyone is welcome. For
late-breaking news about the meeting, visit Industry Canada's booth in the
Imperial Ballroom of the Marriott.

Thursday, March 23, 2006
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Atlanta-Boston Room,
Los Angeles Airport (LAX) Marriott Hotel

Cynthia Waddell
Chair, International Commission on Technology & Accessibility for North
America, a standing commission of RI
Cynthia D. Waddell, JD
Executive Director and
Law, Policy and Technology Consultant
International Center for Disability Resources
on the Internet (ICDRI)
Phone: (408) 691-6921

ICDRI is based in
Raleigh, North Carolina USA

See my new book!
Constructing Accessible Web Sites

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Find out now with Cynthia Says! http://www.cynthiasays.com
Endorsed by the American Council of the Blind,
the Cynthia SaysTM portal is a joint Education
and Outreach project of ICDRI, The Internet
Society Disability and Special Needs Chapter,
and HiSoftware.