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Re: New Book and Invitation to Int'l Commission on Technology& Accessibility Meeting at CSUN


From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: Mar 16, 2006 6:20PM

Cynthia Waddell wrote:

> This is just a heads-up that a new book will be coming out this Summer by
> Apress
> entitled "Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance."
> This is
> an update to our previous book by co-authors Jim Thatcher, Cynthia Waddell,
> et al entitled "Constructing Accessible Web Sites."

Bruce Lawson mentioned to me the other week that an update was being
brought out, but he didn't mention the change in title...I would have
looked for "Constructing Accessible Web Sites version 2.0" or something...

Patrick H. Lauke