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Re: Need 3 Tuts Tutorial Web Site Code Examples


From: Dejan Kozina
Date: Mar 16, 2006 8:50PM

Hello Marvin.
The tutorials are at ftp://ftp.kozina.com/3tuts.zip.

For more of the same, I've just stumbled into this via Slashdot:


marvin hunkin wrote:
> Hi.
> the guy who sent us the 3 tuts tutorial for php and my sql, could he
> give me the web site address, where i can find the source code examples,
> lost that site in my favorites.
> if he could e-mail me privately, or let me know on the forum that would
> be great.
> cheers Marvin.

Dejan Kozina
Dolina 346 (TS) - I-34018 Italy
tel./fax: +39 040 228 436 - cell.: +39 348 7355 225
http://www.kozina.com/ - e-mail: <EMAIL REMOVED>