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FW: HTML - <abbr> and <acronym> settings
From: John Foliot - WATS.ca
Date: Mar 23, 2006 7:50AM
- Next message: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: FW: HTML - and settings"
- Previous message: zara: "RE: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
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Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:22 AM wrote:
> User subject description is = HTML - <abbr> and <acronym> settings
> Comment or suggestion = Hello,
> I am an active "Web Accessibility" proponent and developer, and I am
> writing to ask that the method by which JAWS handles the <abbr> and
> <acronym> elements be re-considered. The current set-up (either
> always on or always off) introduces potential frustration and poor
> usability for JAWS users. Ideally, the better solution would be that
> the "expansion" of either element (i.e. - the reading of the Title
> attribute) would be activated by a keystroke combination, so that the
> end user can "expand" the complete definition "on-the-fly" by choice.
> I am not sure how possible this is, but it would be a welcome
> enhancement to your product. There is an interesting List-serve
> thread currently underway at:
> http://webaim.org/discussion/mail_thread.php?thread=2799
> that is discussing this very issue.
> In a perfect world, a response that I could share back to this list
> (or a direct response from Freedom Scientific to the list) would be
> both appreciated and welcome.
> Thank you.
> John Foliot
> WATS.ca - Web Accessibility Testing and Services http://www.wats.ca
> * * * End of document * * *
Bryan Carver wrote:
> Hello John,
> Thank you very much for your suggestion. It is good feedback like
> this from our customers, that allows us to continue to make our
> products the best they can be. I will definitely pass your
> suggestion along to our product management team.
> I am sure if they have additional questions they will be in touch
> with you. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything
> else I can do for you.
> Regards,
> Bryan Carver
> Director of Technical Support
> Freedom Scientific
- Next message: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: FW: HTML - and settings"
- Previous message: zara: "RE: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
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